PreRegistration Guidelines
How to preregister online to schedule gym time or classes
Please note that online registration is compulsory at this time. You can easily follow these steps by logging into your member profile on the page ‘Memberships’ or using our FREE APP (Gym Master Member). Find it in your app store!
log in through the member portal to your profile, OR click on the ‘Sign Up’ button if you are new!
Make sure that you have a current membership or class pass (right on the homepage). If not then go to ‘Purchase’ & ‘Buy a Membership’
Click on ‘Bookings’. Here you can either click on ‘Book a Class’, which makes it easy to register for multiple times, or view the ‘Class/Gym Schedule’, which will show you the layout for each week
Book multiple Classes or Gym times
See the schedule laid out and pick your classes or times by clicking on the color boxes
Choose a class or gym time, read the details carefully then click on ‘Book Class’
You will receive and confirmation email, and now you can go back to your homepage by clicking on ‘Home’
Click on ‘Continue’ to confirm.
On the homepage you can now view your bookings, and cancel them easily by clicking the trash icon next to it. Please, be sure to do this if you do not plan on attending that booking, to make space for someone else. Thanks!